Witch way

There was a time a few years ago when I would have made fun of myself for believing in anything that didn’t fit in the hard sciences box. What a fucking bore I must have been. Life run by rules, fitting in with beliefs that I didn’t come up with, worrying about what people thought of me and what I was doing. External judgement was clouding my will and desire, slowly turning my soul melancholic.


And to be honest, my exit from the 9-5 office life was what initially catalysed my internal paradigm shift, not Witchcraft. What Witchcraft has done is teach me how to embrace the self, be proud of my sexuality, fill me with love for our Earth and the seasonal brilliance of nature’s turning cogs. Sure, there are external gods to worship too, but that is almost a side folly for a witch. The main event is giving power to the god found within the soul of the individual. And honouring it accordingly.


Today, I’m an unemployed, late thirties author with a huge smile, a penchant for The Craft and an intricate knowledge of the third eye which I’ve developed through lucid dreaming. My journey has been undeniably fruitful as I’ve learnt and grown with these new philosophies. I’ve incorporated these lessons in the writings of Dahlia. I am Levi in the sense that I was once lost and now I am found. It’s beautiful, just as Levi is and just as Dahlia has shown him to be.


My advice isn’t necessarily to take Witchcraft into your life but to take yourself into your life. Be you, listen to the voice within, act on it, honour it, be proud of it even if it leads you to make mistakes because they’ve been made in honour of you and nobody else.


Blessed be.


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